‘None of us are as intelligent as all of us put together’. Ken Blanchard
A company made by people, for people.
The story of Dabster Engineering was born from initiative/resourcefulness, from the desire to go beyond the first solution, to have an adequate preparation which allows to choose different ways to answer the same question.
Entrepreneurship, sharing and preparation are peculiarities shared by the people of Dabster: a group of professionals, designers, consultants, engineers, united by great passion and enthusiasm, who find an environment always open to get excellence in every gear until they have a reliable and performing engine.
Giorgio Grezzani

Marco Rossi

Alessandro Gecchele

Davide Adami

Prince Ayekou Sedrique Ulri

Federico Baldo

Giovanni Ballerini

Stefano Bardellini

Alessandro Bartolozzi

Irene Berti

Carlo Bruschetta

Davide Caliari

Denni Caselli

Massimo Castellani

Stefania Cavaliere

Lorenzo Compagnucci

Simone Donatelli

Emanuele Falco

Giulio Ganassini

Alessandro Leorato

Marica Lugoboni

Irene Lunardon

Martina Magrograssi

Andrea Oliverio

Mattia Padovani

Marco Paulon Bargioni

Andrea Redaelli

Sofia Redivo

Diego Rinaldi

Serpelloni Fabio

Alessio Silvestri

Alessio Spiniella

Devis Tessari

Fabio Tonolli

Michele Verzini